
I would like to share my personal experience on the subject of skin here: for years I had open and bloody hands with very bad itching (neurodermatitis). The only things that helped me a little were alkaline baths and avoiding cow’s milk. And I have tried EVERYTHING, both ointments and supplements.
Then I started taking BalanceOil+ 6 weeks ago in the expectation that I would see the first results in 2-4 months. After 2 days (!) the itching was gone and after a week (!) my hand was completely healed (see photos, whereby photo 1 was only taken on day 3 of the oil intake).
My friend had an itchy scaly patch on her foot and always had very rough inner surfaces on her hands. Both were gone after 2 weeks of BalanceOil +.
And we both notice a completely different radiance and smoothness on the skin of the face. 🙏 I am so grateful for this.
And the best thing: I can now tolerate citrus fruits and nuts 👍 Perhaps this is also due to the additional Zinobiotic intake…