Depression, migraine, ADD, sleep disorders, emotionally unstable personality disorder

Woman, 39 years old writes:

I have suffered from recurrent depressive disorder since I was a teenager. At the age of 32, she was diagnosed with ADD and a little later with an emotionally unstable personality disorder.
In February 2023, I did the first balance test with the result 29.5:1

My symptoms at the time:

  • Migraine since adolescence with up to 20 attacks per month. Last 3 years of treatment with Aimovig (1 injection per month) and a maximum of 1 seizure per month
  • Massive sleep disorders, mainly almost nightly nightmares and difficulty sleeping through the night as well as occasional sleep paralysis (I have had sleep disorders since I was a teenager and they are already “normal” for me)
  • Paralyzing tiredness during the day, yet inability to sleep
  • Dejection
  • depressive mood
  • Massive drive disorder and acute exhaustion
  • social withdrawal
  • Severe concentration problems and simultaneous situation-dependent hyperfocus
  • Cycle disorders and symptoms of premature menopause
  • Skin problems in the form of irregular rosacea and itchy, flaky scalp

I started with 7.5 ml of unflavored vegan oil and 2-3 tablets of Xtend. A little later I added Zinobiotic and 3 tablets of Viva in the morning. I haven’t changed anything in my diet.

My sleep improved in April. I now slept several days a week again without (night)dreams. Little by little, my energy gradually returned during the day. I haven’t had sleep paralysis since March 2023. I stopped taking the herbal remedy Redormin, which I had been taking for 8 years, in November.

After 3-4 months, however, I could not notice any further relevant changes in my stressful symptoms. I was already on the verge of abandoning the “Zinzino” experiment.

I didn’t take my second test until August 2023, with the result 6.7:1. I had initially taken the vegan oil without added flavor and didn’t like it at all. That’s why I didn’t take it regularly. It wasn’t until April that I started taking the vegan citrus-flavored oil regularly.

I injected Aimovig for the last time at the beginning of September. As the medication is very expensive (approx. 600 francs per injection), my health insurance company ordered a 3-month break once a year to check whether I still needed the medication at all. Normally the migraine returned after about 5 weeks and I had 2-3 attacks per week again after 8 weeks at the latest. However, I only had a total of 9 seizures in October, November and December, of which
I only had to treat one of them with Naramig (migraine medication). All other attacks were so mild that 1 x 400mg ibuprofen was sufficient. I had my last attack on January 1, 2024 and have therefore decided to stop injections altogether. For the first time since I was a teenager, I can manage completely without migraine medication. For me, this is the most massive and positive change that I wouldn’t want to do without! I couldn’t imagine ever being migraine-free!

My general condition also improved significantly in September. I hardly have any nightmares anymore and almost always sleep through the night. I have much more energy during the day and can walk my dog for an hour at a time again without any problems. I feel quite balanced overall. The depression has disappeared and I’m meeting up with friends more often again or doing things on my own.

I have been going through a difficult phase since November. However, I realize that I’m not letting myself get carried away by my emotions, as was usually the case. I work on solving the problem bit by bit and allow myself regular breaks. I have the impression that I can concentrate a little better on what is right in front of me and needs to be done and that the difficulties “haunt” and occupy me less than usual. When I get into hyperfocus, I have the impression that I can perceive it more quickly and actively slow it down. I used to have great difficulty with that. I stopped taking the AD(H)S medication Focalin, which falls under the Narcotics Act and which I had been taking for several years, at the beginning of December.

For about 4 months now, my cycle has completely returned to normal and the menopausal symptoms (irregular cycle, very heavy periods, hot flushes, mood swings, exhaustion and tiredness) have disappeared.

The last time I had an acute case of rosacea on my chin, I applied Skin Serum and the inflammation cleared up completely within a few days. My scalp still itches, although not as much and the dandruff has reduced.

I am currently still taking Brintellix and Trittico in low doses (20mg and 50mg respectively), both antidepressants. I have been taking the latter for almost 10 years without interruption. Next I plan to stop one of these medications and do a third balance test.

I am absolutely convinced that Zinzino’s health protocol has led to these massive improvements for me.”