Triglycerides, cholesterol


“In November, my cardiologist talked me into it because my triglycerides were 500, my total chol was 291 and my LDL chol was 246. The findings really gave me food for thought at the time. That was around the time when my dearest mother started to “treat” me with Zinzino-Info. In her opinion, I should try Zinzino before I was put on statins for the rest of my life. I must confess I was very skeptical! My cardiologist said, smiling and slightly dismissive: “Yes, go ahead and if you absolutely believe it then try a few more months with a change in diet…. we’ll see you again in a few months anyway.”
Thanks to oil and Zinobiotic, my triglyceride has fallen by over 200 points to date (Viennese laboratory findings from 07.07.2020) and my chol values have more than HALVED!!! My balance value: 1:2.1 Thanks mommy! Thank you Zinzino!!!🙏🏼😊”