Thyroid gland, menstrual cramps, back and joint pain

Woman, 45 years:

“I started the oil at the beginning of September 2019 and also take x-tend. I have noticed that the back pain, aching limbs, abdominal pain, headaches, pulling in the breasts and depression that usually start 1 week before the onset of menstruation are almost gone. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say 9. These symptoms have decreased dramatically, some are completely absent, others are only slightly noticeable. My quality of life has of course improved. I am thrilled.

I also have an underactive thyroid and was on 50mg Euthyrox. After 1 month with the oil, I had a better body feeling, so I stopped the Euthyrox. Today I went to my doctor, who also does bioresonance, and he tested the products himself, as well as the necessity of taking Euthyrox. Conclusion: The products are of high quality, no neg. influences are good for me and I no longer need Euthyrox.”