Psoriasis, skin, energy, mood, eating attacks

A client writes: “I only did one test 16.9:1 was my result! I have suffered from psoriasis since I was 7 years old – severe obesity and a bowel that is difficult to function! I have been using the oil for 2 months now! I have to say that I had already changed a lot in my life before that! For example, my diet – I’ve lost over 20 kg in the last 2 years – I’ve walked part of the Way of St. James! In the Walking in nature is part of my life today! I have not used any medical care products such as cortisone etc. for several years now. I have worked a lot on my thought patterns! But since I’ve been taking the oil, I’m also feeling better in many other areas! My skin is much better – even my healthy skin – I’m hardly tired any more – despite being 62 years old, I have an energy and zest for life that I never knew before – not even when I was young! I no longer suffer from binge eating and my mood is generally very positive! I no longer feel like a victim in any way! I look forward to the new day every day!”