Woman, 40 years:

Hello my dears, I would like to share my experience with you. I suffer from PCO syndrome and am also being treated for this at the AKH. I started using Balance Oil in December 2016, but I had my doubts. I took it regularly and in September of this year I went to the AKH for a check-up. They took my blood and I waited for the results. Yesterday was the day: I went to the AKH to discuss my findings. Apart from the fact that my doctor doesn’t know what he’s talking me into and what he wants to do to me with pills, I was very enthusiastic about the results! My values have dropped, my testosterone value was over 1.7 (the normal range is up to 0.48). Now I’m at 1.1 and that in a very short space of time. All other values have also fallen. I want to continue taking the oil because I now know that I can manage to reduce my testosterone completely without cortisol and the pill. I would also like to appeal to everyone not to always listen to doctors, because they are not always right. In my case, they are desperately trying to push pills on me to get my value below 1. My doctor didn’t even ask me what I had done since I stopped taking the tablets completely a few months ago. My secret is solely the oil. For me, it is simply a miracle that my value has fallen so quickly. I will continue to take the oil and will not be lulled by doctors, because I know that I am right. I hope I can help others with my experience!