COVID-19, weakness, joint pain, muscle pain

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My life after COVID-19 and how to get well again!
My name is Patricio Conner, it’s been a few months since I was infected with the COVID-19 virus. Thank goodness my symptoms were mild and after 12 days they had disappeared. As a fanatical and very active sportsman (long-distance running and intensive training in the gym), I could hardly wait to start my sporting activities again. Within a week of recovery, I started a short run. (8 km). That same day I didn’t feel anything special. The day after my run, however, I felt a lot of pain in my muscles and joints. Before Covid-19, I often had joint pain and pain in my knees, but mostly after a long-distance run (21 km and longer). Nevertheless, I decided to rest for a day and try the same run (8 km) two days later. The situation remained the same and after a month I was a bit distraught because I felt like my life as an athlete had come to an end.
One day, as I was relaxing, I got a call from a friend I hadn’t seen or spoken to for a long time. She asked how I was doing and after I told her about my condition, she told me that my system was probably out of balance on a cellular level. I became curious because I was desperate and because I felt that way. So I decided to ask more questions to find out how I can get back into balance. After talking to my friend for a week, she tested me via a dry blood spot test and immediately started me on what is called the ZINZINO protocol, a 6-month Pharmaco nutrition program where I work to regain my health. I will be tested again over a period of 120 days. I am now almost a month and a half into the program and although I still have a way to go to fully recover from the effects of Covid-19, I feel stronger. I sleep much better and can feel my strength getting stronger. I am firmly convinced that this great improvement in my health is due to the daily use of the Zinzino protocol products. They help me to feel as good as I feel right now. I know this because although I’ve always eaten healthily, I’ve never felt this good, especially not with the previous supplements I was taking. I am very grateful that I started using the ZINZINO method to heal my body. Dr. Paul Clayton’s advice made me realize that, like sports, it’s about still being active, but I have to be aware that I need to cut back a bit in order to build up again. I am looking forward to the coming months and am excited about the second test, which will prove how my system has regained its balance.
Yours sincerely,
Patricio Conner