A customer writes:

“Since the birth of my second son almost 16 years ago, I suffered from allergies that were so severe that my eyes swelled up so much that I could hardly look out of them and the allergy caused asthma. The asthma was so severe that even the doctor said I should stop smoking. I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my entire life.
By changing my diet, leaving out certain foods that my body seems to react to, the allergy has calmed down a little. But it was still something else. From spring – late summer I was dependent on allergy tablets, drops & spray and kept the symptoms reasonably under control. Nevertheless, it wasn’t really quality of life.
I couldn’t eat many types of fruit and vegetables. Immediately my eyes started to itch, became thick, my whole thumb and throat itched and the worst thing that happened to me was that my airways swelled up so much that I could hardly breathe. I couldn’t eat my beloved strawberries 🍓, apples, tomatoes … Actually, there was only banana, grapes & cucumber left to eat.

I came across Zinzino’s products at the end of January 2022 and started the health protocol at the beginning of February, stocking up on homeopathic sprays for allergy symptoms beforehand, as this was when things started up again.
What can I say, I used the spray intermittently in February and at some point I noticed that I could walk in the woods without any discomfort, enjoy the garden 🪴 and do all activities without any discomfort.
I’ve been slowly getting back into my beloved strawberries. First one, the next day two The same with apples & tomatoes and what can I say 🙂