MS, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, restricted mobility

A client reports about her brother, 50 years old:

“My brother was diagnosed with MS over 20 years ago. For almost 10 years he only did conventional medicine and believed/hoped that it could help him! After this time, he was physically exhausted. And then decided (I offered it to him a few times) to take the “natural route” after all. It also turned out that he did not have MS, but Lyme disease (after a tick vaccination!!). He has changed a few things (vegan with lots of raw food, food supplements, good water and drinking a lot, therapists, therapeutic essences – which have already spared him the “relapses” -, intermittent fasting and much more)! Thanks to the VEGAN health protocol, Viva+ and ZinoGene+ cure, he is now walking on the street (still with a walker)! Small but mighty 🙂! Gymnastics is easier for him, he can see his successes!!! And he is fully motivated 🙂 He is thrilled! And when his body is fitter, he goes out into the world and proclaims that ANYTHING is possible if a woman/man just wants to! THANK YOU ZINZINO💫✨💖”