Onboarding – English

Welcome to “Team WellVivo” which is part of “Game Changer Nation” team and which in turn is part of “1mondo Global” team. “1mondo Global” is one of the biggest international teams in Zinzino and Marco Passanante is our leader. In the moment we are not able to provide a complete english version of our team-site yet, so please find the most important steps for your start on this page:

1st day:

Order a starter package and set up Z4F AutoOrder

1st – 3rd day:

Starter training:

  1. Define your goal and your “why”
  2. Set job termination date (if goal is to have full-time employment with Zinzino)
  3. Create a list of 100 prospects
    a. Mark the 10 easiest and
    b. 10 best persons
  4. Create a weekly schedule:
    a. Enter IPA – Income Producing Activities (LG – Lead Generation, I – Invitation, BP – Business Presentation, 2on1, Coaching) and create the quota calculation for the 30 and 60 day goal (30 days: 4 customer points/30 days: 375 credits (2-4 partners left and right)/60 days: 10 customer points)
    b. Enter dates for the next events (BP, team call, kick-off)
  5. Invite to Facebook group “Game Changer Nation” and “1Mondo Global”, Telegram “Zinzino-Team” group
  6. Info about zinzino.tv, zinzinohub, go core app
  7. Activation
    a. Arrange the first 10 appointments together with the sponsor (offline, zoom calls, telephone conference)
    b. Arrange 6 coaching appointments for the next 6 weeks with the sponsor
  8. Buy a ticket for the next event (Leaderschool, Annual Event, 1MondoGlobal event, etc.)

    30 – 60 Day Goals date: (Fast Start Bonus)

    Smart Bronze:

    Fast Silver:

    X Team Express:

First month:

  1. Make at least one customer appointment every day with the sponsor
  2. View all videos (product and presentation videos, as well as back office explanations) on the “team.wellvivo.at” page
  3. Coaching appointments:
    a. Select a book from the book recommendation list on the subject of direct selling and one of the books by Dr. Paul Clayton
    b. Coaching on the topics: LG, I, BP, training new partners

Here some training videos for your start:

And now for the products:

This is an instruction video for sharing with customers:

Presentations for customers and potential business partners:

You can share these links with you prospects!

Product Presentation
Business Overview